Edited by Federica Bueti, Antonia Alampi,
Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung.
Copy-editing and proofreading:
Gwen Mitchell Monilola Ilupeju.
Graphic design: Elsa Westreicher, Clara Brandt, Lilia Di Bella, Chiara Onestini, Chiara Figone.
With Contributions from: Antonia Alampi, Artiste (Malak Helmy and Janine Armin), Julius Eastman, David Garland, Sumanth Gopinath, Sean Griffin, Josh Kun, Marie Jane Leach, George Lewis, Jean-Christophe Marti, Elaine Mitchener, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Berno Odo Polzer, Pungwe (Memory Biwa + Robert Machiri), Rocco di Pietro, Christine Rusiniak.
Published by Archive Books, 2020.