Inspired by Max Neuhaus’s idea of expanded instrument, 21 artists from the field of visual art and experimental music have been invited to produce a 2mins long piece for the Sound Museum. Sonic contributions by Carsten Nicolai, Michael J. Schumacher, Annie Ratti, Liam Gillick, Luca Maria Patella, Luca Vitone, Elisabetta Benassi, Brandon La Belle, Stephen Vitiello, Etienne Chambaud, Valerio Tricoli, Riccardo Benassi, Tris Vonna-Michell, William Furlong, Achim Wollscheid, Cesare Pietroiusti, Vettor Pisani, Emilio Prini, Alvin Curran, Christina Kubisch, Martux_M.
Sound Art Museum, Rome, 2009.
︎listen to each contribution by clicking on the name of the artist.