...ment (2011-2015) is a self-published editorial initiative operating at the intersection between culture, art and politics. It is a discursive platform and meeting point that hosts different voices, practices, places, imaginaries. ...ment acts as a field for enquiry, dialogue and experimentation and is committed to emerging forms and ideas. Each issue of ...ment addresses a specific theme, providing a framework for integrating diverse perspectives on central and urgent topics. Each issue was published online completed with special printing projects. Inviting contributions from upcoming and established artists, thinkers and cultural practitioners, the publication engages with contemporary social and political issues in order to generate a dynamic discourse.
︎Move...ments(and resistance) Issue #4, (2013) was commissioned by Book Works as part of the series Common Objectives guest edited by Nina Power. Contributions from: Jan Verwoert, Angel Nevarez and Valerie Tevere, Bassam El Baroni, Rana Hamadeh, Claire Tancons, Pauline Boudry and Renate Lorenz, Federica Bueti, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Kathy Acker, Federico Campagna, Gabriela Jauregui, José M. Bueso and Sally Gutierrez, Christopher Kullenberg and Dick Higgins.
︎Bewilder...ment. Special Issue (2013), was produced in collaboration with Glänta Magazine and guest editor Claire Tancons. Included contributions from: Federica Bueti, Arto Lindsday and Clara Meister, Jan Verwoert, Hadley + Maxwell, Camilla Wills.
︎...ment issue #3 Fragments (On Authorship) Spring-Summer 2012.